Our objectives are two-fold:
  • To actively encourage the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa to remain obedient to God by adhering to the biblical norms for marriage and sexuality; and
  • To help preserve the unity of our Ottawa Diocese and the global Anglican Communion based on our common commitment to the authority of the Bible.
Why have we come together?

In 2002, the Ottawa Anglican Diocesan Synod heard a motion that clergy in this Diocese be authorized to bless same-sex unions as a pastoral response to members of the Church who are actively homosexual. At that time, Synod also heard a counter-motion that such a course should not be followed. In response, Synod elected to table these motions and appoint a Task Force to consider the matter and report on it at Synod in October 2003.

The Elmhurst Committee on Human Sexuality believes the proposal to authorize the blessing of same sex unions is contrary to biblical teaching on marriage and sexuality

What are our guiding principles?
  • We believe in the biblical understanding of marriage as being between one man and one woman, intended for life, and that it is therefore un-scriptural to bless, encourage or condone sexual activity outside of marriage;
  • We believe that as human beings we are all broken, living in a world damaged by sin;
  • God calls each of us to purity in our sexual relationships and empowers Christians to overcome our sinful behaviour;
  • We believe that God’s love extends to all people, regardless of their sexual orientation and activity;
  • We are committed to a positive and transparent discussion of these issues; and
  • We are committed to support and pray for our Bishop and for the unity of our Diocese and that of the whole global Anglican Communion.

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