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20 May 2015
US Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage 26 June 2015
ACNA Bishop Foley Beach issues statement
Rick Joyner: The US Supreme Court and the Mark of the Beast (Rev 13)
Ask the Pastor (John Counsell) CFRA
West Indies Bishops denounce foreign pressure
Same-sex incestuous relationship sent mormon church patriarch into exile Click here - The Political Surf, Doug Gibson, 16 April 2012
Local preachers blast UK on considering same sex marriage
How Rites For Same Sex Blessings Will Get Brokered Into The Episcopal Church at GC2012
10 Reasons Why the Global South Should Not Assent to TEC on Pansexuality
2 roosters don't make a chicken
Same-sex blessings get the nod in Nova Scotia, PEI
Gay weddings will never take place in church buildings,
Court: Refusing same-sex marriage violates constitution
Same-sex marriage: The future of Christendom
Patriarchate against Gay Parade in Georgia
Judge overturns California's Prop 8
Orthodox response to homosexuality in Judaism
Gay priest pillories Tom Wright
Pope decries abortion, same-sex marriage, at Fatima
"I was wrong about marriage," by David French
"Marriage is for Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"
Can same-sex attraction be changed?
"The Search for Freedom," by Garrett Ellis
Quebec Government Launches All-Out Attack against "Homophobia"
Newfoundland Anglican priest faces child porn charges
The Truth about the Anglican Communion's Listening Process
Homophobia in Africa: The Real Truth Please
Catholic, Episcopal Bishops Clash Over Meaning of Marriage
Catholic Insight Opposes Homosexual Office Seekers
Same-sex marriage will lead society into chaos
The Bishop of Ottawa's Charge, before the 2009 Synod - 23 Oct 2009
Homosexuality, religion and acceptance
The Galilee Report -
Primate’s Theological Commission
TEC Gay Organization Urges Moratorium and Same-Sex Rites Passed at GC2009
Major lecture set from 2006 available on DVD Dr. Michael L Brown: Homosexuality, The Church and Society (ICN Ministries) 6 DVD set. I have watched this in its entirity. The situation is far, far worse than you can possibly have imagined. - Your webmaster. Click here - June 2009.
Hope for excape from homosexuality.
Gay marriage legal in Sweden.
Homosexuality and the Episcopal Church 1976 - 2007
Same-Sexual Encounters.
Beijing's 'happy couples' launch campaign for same-sex marriages
Homosexuals not so 'gay' in California - Judge Roy Moore, 26 Nov 2008
Tyranny of the Minority: How the Forced Recognition of Same-Sex “Marriage” Undermines a Free Society, by S. T. Karnick, Salvomag.com, 2008
Same-sex marriage - California warning
California ushers in same-sex weddings
Homosexual no more
On the Occasion of the Pope Coming to Town
American Family Association defines marriage
The closet finally releases Garth
Dangerous science
B.C. priest suspended after misconduct
Same Sex Blessings/Homosexuality: ACC -
Reports, Statements & Resolutions, Resources for Study & Discussion
The real issue is whether marriage as an institution will be so emptied of meaning that it becomes a gender neutral institution, rather than the premier gender-based institution of society.
Not yet out of the woods, by a long chalk
Case not made - Dr. Robert Gagnon's rebuttal of Prof. John Thorp's letter to bishops
Reflections of a Deeply Concerned Priest on the Proposed Resolution from the Council of General Synod
Divided Anglicans to vote on issue of same-sex union
Ottawa Anglicans confront same-sex issues
Zacchaeus Fellowship shocked by Bishops' lack of pastoral care
Bishop Don Harvey, and Bishop Michael Ingham visit Ottawa within days of each other
4 March and 7 March 2007.
Students union protests honorary degree for Bulka over views on homosexuality
- Ottawa Citizen, 9 June 2006 By Carrie Taranova Again this week, another offense against our children has occurred, and Massachusetts’s parents are enraged. Since homosexual marriage is legal there now, the Left are wasting no time to indoctrinate our children, as young as the first and second grades, on the homosexual ‘family’ and ‘union’!! The book “King and King’ is the introduction to this full blown agenda, that very young children in the government public schools are having read to them. It is the Wedding of two princes. And parents cannot have their children opt out of it either! This is what all parents have waiting for them once this perverted homosexual agenda movement is established in other states, and make no mistake about it; it is just a matter of time before it is!
Government won marriage battle, but they might lose the war.
Ottawa Task Force:
Report of the Diocesan Task Force on the Implications of the
Blessing of Same-Sex Unions. Presented at the Ottawa Synod, 21 October 2005. Download Word version.
Abuse led to homosexuality, The Times, Oct 13, 2005.  CitizenLink report Oct 19.
Stand for Marriage - Toronto rally, May 23, 2005 - 6000 demonstrate at Queens Park that people of many faiths value traditional marriage as the cornerstone of our civilization. Tony Copple from the Anglican Gathering of Ottawa was one of 20 speakers. The March for Marriage - Saturday, April 9th, 2005 - 15,000 marched in Ottawa in the strongest statement the Government had seen in defence of traditional marriage. Here may be found the two key speeches from the debate in the house Feb 16 on
bill C-38, the civil marriage act. Click here for Prime Minister Paul Martin's speech. Click here for Leader of the Opposition Stephen Harper's speech. Canada's
Anglicans debate blessing of gay unions Williams envoy hopes to
turn gay marriage vote Reaction to the election
of Archbishop Andrew Hutchison as primate Orthodox Anglicans
call for greater “clarity and honesty” in same-sex debate The Anglican Communion:
Ecumenical Affairs and Studies - A Letter from Archbishop Robin Eames Follow Up Meeting
to "For Such A Time As This" 29 March 2004 Ottawa Anglicans Call
upon Synod Council to Withdraw Same-Sex Blessing Motion Click
here to read this news release (.html document) Anglican council crafts
motion on same-sex blessings issue Click
here to read this news article The Report of The
Primate's Task Force On Adequate/Alternative Click
here to read this news article (.pdf document) For Such A Time As
This - A National Satellite Conference Hosted by Anglican Essentials Click
here to read this news article North American conservatives
seek discipline of ECUSA Click
here to read this news article Statement from the Province
of the Southern Cone Click
here to read this news article Statement of the Bishops
of the Anglican Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo on homosexuality and blessings of same-sex unions within the Anglican Communion Click
here to read this news article Dead links (that do not work) may
be reported to webmaster@elmhurstcommittee.com
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