Visit of Bishop Don Harvey
The Anglican Gathering of Ottawa

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Anglican Gathering of Ottawa

January 23, 2006

The Anglican Gathering of Ottawa is proud to have the opportunity to bring Bishop Don Harvey back to Ottawa. In recent months he has attended many significant events throughout the worldwide Anglican communion related to the present crisis in our denomination.

Rt. Rev. Donald Harvey, St. John's NL, retired as Bishop of Newfoundland and Labrador on 1 December 2004. He then became a board member of Anglican Essentials Canada, and Moderator of the Anglican Network in Canada. He spoke to Ottawans most recently at The Way Forward conference in October 2004.

Bishop Harvey's schedule:

  • Fri 10 Feb, 7:30: Anglican Gathering at St. George’s church, 152 Metcalfe St.  Web

  • Sat 11 Feb, 9:00 - 11: Clergy breakfast at St. Alban’s church, 454 King Edward Ave.  Web

  • Sat 11 Feb, 12:30 - 2: Lay leaders / wardens lunch meeting at St. Matthew’s church, First Ave/Glebe  Web

  • Sun 12 Feb: Preaching at the 9:15 am service at St. Paul's church, 20 Young Rd, Kanata  Web

    If you have concerns about the increasing split in the Anglican Communion, with conservative elements in Canada and USA preferring to remain with the worldwide communion rather than the ACC and ECUSA, this is your chance to understand the issues that have brought us to this, and to hear from a man who is respected internationally by those in the conservative majority.