Canon Charlie Masters visits Ottawa Diocese
31 March - 2 April 2006

Canon Charlie Masters is National Director of Anglican Essentials Canada, and travels widely to bring his special message of truth in the essentials of our faith. For this visit organized by the Anglican Gathering of Ottawa, his first engagement was to preach at an Anglican Gathering evening bcp service in Trinity, Bearbrook, presided over by Rev. Alex Lewanowicz. Charlie's powerful message on "God is" brought home the very raison d'etre of our faith. Next morning at St. Paul's church in Kanata, Rev. David Crawley introduced Charlie at a clergy breakfast. He gave a talk on Isaiah 30 as a backdrop to the role of the Federation in calling the church to repentance. Later in the morning at "Coffee time with Charlie" he spoke to local lay leaders (see photos), encouraging them that this was no time to hide away while our problems somehow resolve themselves. The power of the laity to take steps to deal with this division in our denomination is paramount. He recommended all of us view the video presentation "Choose this Day" which though made south of the border for our brothers and sisters in ECUSA has full relevance for Canadian Anglicans, and indeed for other denominations and even other religions.

Charlie was accompanied by his rector's warden Garth Hunt, author of AEC prayer alerts, who drove Charlie here and kept him and the meetings in prayer throughout. On Saturday afternoon they drove to Pembroke, and on Sunday morning Charlie preached at the 8 am and 10 am services at Holy Trinity. Their rector, Ven. Tim Parent, writes: "we had a great time with Charlie and Garth. We had a Saturday supper with 14 people from our church and a representative from the deanery. There were Wonderful services and information sessions on Sunday."

Audio recordings exist of Canon Charlie Masters' sermon at Trinity Bearbrook, and his talks to clergy and laity at St. Paul's Kanata. If you would like one or both, a donation of $5 per CD to the Anglican Gathering of Ottawa will secure; e-mail Tony Copple.

Choose this Day video
Charlie's Ottawa Diocese schedule
Anglican Gathering of Ottawa