Our Objectives

The Anglican Gathering of Ottawa was a collection of Anglicans who followed the traditional teaching and beliefs of the Anglican church, rather than the more liberal agenda of many church leaders today as expressed at the 2004 General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. Our traditional beliefs coincide with the 1994 Montreal Declaration of Anglican Essentials.

Recognizing that we are all sinners in need of redemption, the AGO strived to:

* Be a prophetic voice calling the Anglican Church of Canada to repentance and to a return to faithfulness to scripture

* Bring Anglicans in the Diocese of Ottawa together regularly for worship, encouragement and teaching, and to be a faithful witness to biblical and traditional Anglican teaching within our Diocese

* Provide guidance and assistance to those parishes and individual Anglicans who wish to remain faithful to traditional Anglican teaching and beliefs

* Prepare for any eventuality in the deepening crisis between the Anglican Church of Canada and the worldwide Anglican Communion

Eighth Annual General Meeting, 25 April 2012
This was our final AGM, where we voted to dissolve the non-profit charitable corporation, our mandate having been largely completed, but remain in existence as a web site and a newsletter - AGO Fellowship Call. The corporate stucture, set up eight years ago by our founders will be transferred to a new charitable corporation within the Anglican Network in Canada, which is being spearheaded by Rev. Liba Straznicky, who will be president, and with additional board members Desiree Stedman and Archie Hunter. The new board was voted in. Liba presented her vision for this new ministry. She agreed on the need to change the name from Anglican Gathering in Ottawa to a more suitable name in a timely manner, so as to minimize public confusion. All previous board members resigned.

Fifth Annual General Meeting, 14 December 2009
AGO's primary activity has now become the issuing of tax receipts for the local projects. In the summer of 2009, Laurie-Ann Copple took over the treasurer / bookkeeper role from Trudy Hardy. We heard from them that we remain solvent. There were several calls from the floor that the monthly committee meetings, which had dried up since this Summer, should be re-started, since they are a valuable refuge particularly for lay pastors who are not invited to Clericus meetings. Christy Bhatnagar spoke about her initiative, the AGO Fellowship Call newsletter, which has been been well received. In Tony Copple's address, he encouraged participation in events beyond our individual fellowships, and indeed beyond the Anglican denomination, such as Mission O, National House Of Prayer and the Global day of Prayer.

Photo - Laurie-Ann Copple

Fourth Annual General Meeting, 10 January 2009
After a momentous year which we reviewed in outline, Alex Lewanovicz described a new focus emerging for the AGO following planning meetings this year giving us a structure better oriented to functional needs of the new ANiC churches and fellowships that have sprung up in 2008.

Third Annual General Meeting, 13 December 2007
The members voted that our name should revert back to "The Anglican Gathering of Ottawa," reflecting the new status of the Anglican Network in Canada announced at the Network Conference, Burlington, 22,23 November. (The original legal name had never been changed). Anglican Essentials Ottawa will continue as a separate body, not reqiring corporate status. The (re)elected new board will be: Tony Copple (president), Jane Manary, Chris Scherf, Karen Bergenstein and Dave Kemp.

Second Annual General Meeting, 30 October 2006
The members voted to change our name to Anglican Essentials Ottawa, as part of a move to bring our group into line with internationally recognized Anglican Essentials Canada. Two new committees were set up: Anglican Network in Ottawa, and Anglican Federation in Ottawa. Our by-laws require that any committee needs at least one board director, so we elected two new directors who are members of the Federation. We also voted to change the definition of "member" to those persons who a) are members of Anglican Essentials Canada b) live within the geographic boundaries of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa and c) apply to become members.

First Annual General Meeting, 12 September 2005
In the past year the plans envisaged by Frank Johnson, our founding chair, have been realized as this charitable corporation has evolved to a position of early maturity under the initial board, and through the work of the executive. The new boad was duly elected, and a vote of extremely sincere thanks was proposed by Ven. Desiree Stedman for Frank's pioneering work as he now leaves the board (his choice, not ours). The new board is Tony Copple, Rev. George Sinclair and Jane Manary. Their first task was to appoint an executive.

The AGM was attended by 20 members of the Anglican Gathering of Ottawa Council.
Right: Thank you Dr. Frank Johnson for a great job well conceived and prayerfully executed.